Sponsorship connects you to the right people in a space designed to optimise your relationship-building and deal-making. Sponsorship gives you access to the ProcureCon Total Talent audience through:
Your only opportunity to learn from and network with Heads of Contingent Workforce, HR and Professional Services and Heads of Indirect from Europe’s biggest companies.
Network with fellow senior procurement and sourcing leaders during our highly interactive sessions and over coffee, lunch and drinks in our extended networking breaks.
Whether for thought leadership or lead generation, hundreds of clients have chosen WBR for the creation of hundreds of reports, webinars and whitepapers spanning a variety of topics.
Sponsorship Director
Phone:+44 (0)203 473 3261
Put simply, sponsoring ProcureCon Total Talent puts your brand in the spotlight. Your customised package can include: Panels, Roundtables, One-on-Ones, Cocktail Receptions, Exhibition Booths, Branding, Speaker Spotlights and Presentations.
Let's Talk: Contact Craig Now